Gambling Bad Beats

Scott Van Pelt’s SportsCenter is already one of the best things on ESPN, and the weekly Bad Beats segment with Stanford Steve is always a highlight.

Last night, it went nearly ten minutes, and frankly we would have watched even more. If you’re somehow reading this without knowing the context of the segment: it looks at unlikely garbage time moments and (most often) mishaps that lead to a gambling outcome sure to leave losing bettors frustrated/devastated/catatonic, depending on their financial stake.

When it comes to sports betting, there are bad beats and there are all-time bad beats. On SportsCenter Monday night, host Scott Van Pelt delivered a bad beat for the ages between Virginia. A game for bad beat lore. The game was a thriller. Anyone who had the Browns thought they were on the wrong side when the Ravens went up 14 points.

Bad Beats Gambling

Auburn's late push toward a win, a fourth-quarter drought in Hawai'i and the Cleveland Browns' first-half aggression led to some of this weekend's worst gambling bad beats. Bad beats are a gambler’s rite of passage — battle scars for those toiling to find winners every week throughout the year. Bets gone horribly awry in the most improbable of fashion create stories you share with your friends over a few beers whenever possible.

(If you don’t have nine minutes to spare right now, start at the 6:29 mark for the final game, Abilene Christian at Virginia. It’s incredible.)

Without further ado:

The worst week of Bad Beats this football season. Many have called it, an All time edition.
They’re awful. Enjoy.

— Stanford Steve (@StanfordSteve82) November 24, 2020

It’s a weird time for sports, with games being canceled or on the verge of being canceled left and right. It’s also a weird time for a holiday week, considering how impossible it is to responsibly travel and see friends and family. It sounds silly, but there’s something very comforting about watching SVP and Stanford Steve doing this, and doing it this well.

SVP 'The horse is on him'

— CJ Fogler #BlackLivesMatter (@cjzero) November 24, 2020

SVP and Stanford Steve deserve Sports Emmy’s for this segment/highlight

— Tommy Yoon (@Typical_Tom) November 24, 2020

Bad Beats on the Monday night SportsCenter is absolute must-watch tv, every. single. week. Incredible content and fantastic entertainment. SVP and Stanford Steve have a great rapport, and the perfect approach to it. Hilarious!

I always make it a point to watch. ???


— Dan Merker (@danmerker) November 24, 2020

Thanks to everyone involved there, especially the Virginia coordinator who called the wrong play by accident.

So you mean to tell me:

-UVA accidentally called a double pass instead of a clock killer in their own end zone leading to a safety

-which gave Abeliene the ball after the free kick

-they then threw a pick 6 on as time expired so UVA covered -39.5 by .5 due to clerical error

— Richard??Johnson (@RJ_Writes) November 24, 2020

Gambling bad beats bad

Worst Gambling Bad Beats
