Jboss Global Module Slot

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This week I spent some time tasting the recently launched JBoss BPM Suite 6. BPM is certainly a field I enjoy working with and for a long time I’ve been missing an enterprise supported solution from Red Hat on this. Now it’s finally out there.

JBoss BPMS is collection of some great open source projects (such as jBPM and Drools) with some additions from Red Hat and the enterprise support. It’s said to be deployed on any Java EE6 container but it have an out-of-the-box integration with JBoss EAP 6 (off course) and that’s the bundle I’ve been playing with (standalone mode). For instructions on installing it simply follow the Installation Guide, it’s quite strait forward. Now let’s finally get into this post topic…

The company I work for uses Windows Active Directory and everybody, even the Mac users as myself, log into their machines using directory accounts. So it not only makes sense but it is a requirement that every system we deploy for internal users authenticates against the AD. JBoss BPMS adopts the RBAC approach for authorization and since the users’ roles are also defined on company’s AD one of the very first things I had to check was the integration with Windows Active Directory.

Jboss global module slot key

I’ve learned that the default roles for JBoss BPMS are “admin”, “developer”, “analyst”, “user” and “manager” and it is even possible to change the role names if needed, specially if they conflicts to existing ones on AD (see Eric D. Schabell post on this). This was not my case. However, the AD roles I created for my tests had to be different. They had a “bpm_” prefix and I rather not change the JBoss BPM default role names. The solution was simple as JBoss EAP has a built in security module capable of authenticating against AD using LDAP. This module can also map AD roles to the names used by JBoss BPM. These are the steps I followed:

1- Create an ldap roles properties file

A role properties file will be used by the security domain to map the AD user roles to role names used by the application. It will add or replace the user roles found on the LDAP search based on these properties. Create a file called “jbpm-roles.properties” inside the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration folder with the following content:

The properties names are the AD user roles and the values are the new roles to be assigned to the user.

2- Setup an LDAP security domain on JBoss EAP

This can be accomplished both editing the server’s configuration file or using the CLI tool.

Editing the server’s configuration file:

Jboss Global Module Slot Key

This method follows the instructions posted on MiddlewareMagic website with a few adaptations for Windows AD. Since I am on standalone mode I’ve opened $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file on a text edito, searched for the security subsystem (<subsystem xmlns=”urn:jboss:domain:security:1.2″>) and added a new security domain:

A very important thing to notice on this configuration is that the “bindDn” option should be set with the user principal name (UPN) in the format user@DNS-domain-name when using Windows Active Directory 2008/2012. Another important option is the “rolesProperties” which defines the location of the file created on the previous step.

According to MiddlewareMagic:

“‘org.jboss.security.auth.spi.LdapExtLoginModule’ requires ‘com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory’ class, so we need to make sure that we add the global module (…) so that the Jar which contains the above class will be added in the classpath”

Search for the “ee” subsystem (<subsystem xmlns=”urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.1″>) and add the following inside:

If your server was running while you were doing those configurations, restart the server.

Using a CLI script:

This method will produce the same as editing the servers configuration file and is specially useful if you’re running JBoss in domain mode and in clustered environments. Save a file named “ldap_security_domain.cli” somewhere on server’s filesystem with the following content:

Now execute it using the following command:

3- Configure JBoss BPM to use the ldap security domain

Yo’ll now need to tell JBoss BPM applications to use the ldap security domain. You’ll need to do it for both the Business Central and the DashBuilder applications. Open the files “$JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml” and “$JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments/dashbuilder.war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml” and edit the following line:

You’ll need to redeploy the application so these changes become effective. I found easier to do it through the CLI:

4- Tracing errors

If you’re facing any problem you can enable tracing for JBoss Security and check the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/log/server.log file for details. If you have used the CLI script I posted above, the trace should be already enabled. Otherwise, search for the logging subsystem (<subsystem xmlns=”urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2″>) on the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file and add the following logging category:

Jboss Global Module Slot Car Bodies

You should now be able to log into the Business Central and DashBuilder managing user roles through Windows AD without having to change the JBoss BPM default role names.

The release 7.2 of JBoss AS introduces the capability to install a module using the Command Line Interface. In this tutorial we will show how you can install a data source as a module using a CLI script.

Modules are the heart of the new application server release. If you want to install a library as a module, in order to share with your applications, you have to create a directory structure for it and add the module.xml file descriptor and the JAR libraries. See this tutorial for more information about installing a module on your AS 7 file system.

This might be a little lenghty approach or simply it can be you don't have access to the JBoss AS file system. (e.g. a remote server installation). In order to install modules using the CLI, you have to download a JBoss AS 7.2 latest build from Jenkins https://ci.jboss.org/jenkins/job/JBoss-AS-7.x-latest/

Jboss Global Module Slot Installer

Jboss global module slot classic

As you can see, once you connect with the CLI (jboss-cli.cmd / jboss-cli.sh) some new commands are available, by pressing the tab key.

The command we will use is 'module' and you need to provide three arguments: the module name, the resources (JAR files) and the dependencies used. Optionally you can add a module slot, in case your module uses several different implementations.

Here's the script for creating a MySQL module (line 1) + driver (line 2) + data source (line 3).