Gambling Planet In Astrology

For over 14 years I studied Astrology, and for over 14 years I sought the answer to one question…How can Astrology indicate to me when I am lucky so I can gamble to win?

Finally after 15 years the answer has revealed itself…

Why Are Planets so Important in Astrology—and What Do They Mean? In astrology, planetary alignment is significant in more than one way. First of all, the position of the planets in the sky at the time of your birth reveal significant information about how you see the world, your habits and traits, belief systems, and strengths and weaknesses. You may find it hard to believe that birth dates and the alignment of planets and stars can provide useful gambling information. After all, logic tells us that knowing strategy for casino games is a better tool. But then again, people have been using horoscopes for over 2,000 years to predict their future. Dec 29, 2015 Lottery and Gambling Strength of 5th house /lord is the important significator of gains in lotteries and gambling. The other significator houses for lottery gains and gambling are 2nd, 6th, 8th and 11th. Moon is posited in 5th house and aspected by Venus, indicates sudden gain from lottery. Hi VS, This query pertains to Leo Asc ONLY. Mercury is the 2nd & 11th lord. Now, if Mercury is placed in the 2nd house (exalted), does this make a Dhana Yoga in D-1, by virtue of lordship of both these houses, and thereby creating a strong relationship between Dhana & Laabha sthanas.

Astrology & Gambling By Planets

  • Moon – Emotional well-being, Good feelings, good vibrations
  • Mars – Physical luck, Winning, Freedom, Independence, Stamina, (23 months)
  • Mercury – Intellectual agility, smarts, luck in choice, duality. communication
  • Sun – The person (you)
  • Venus – Money, Indulgence, Love, Beauty, Harmony
  • Neptune – Hopes and Dreams, Desire, wishes come true
  • Jupiter – Luck, Abundance, Expansion (Jupiter is a very good gambling planet)
  • Uranus – Change, Disruption, (Uranus is known to indicate big winnings in Astrology)
  • Saturn – (no luck) Saturn is a planet of lessons, we astrologers help our clients steer clear of Saturn when searching for indications of luck

As you can see some there are many opportunities using your astrology planets to win. Mars is a great planet for gambling luck as it is indicitive of winning and winners

Jupiter is a great planet for gambling luck as it is indicitive of luck, and abundancke


Neptune is another great planet for gambling luck as it is indicitive of Hope dreams and wishes comeing true

I use these planets and back them up by your moon (emotions) and sun (the person/you) to tell me when my clients are lucky.

Gambling Planet In Astrology Scorpio

One other tool astrologers use to check luck is Houses / House cusps

Gambling Planet In Astrology Taurus

Gambling planet in astrology pisces

Gambling Planet In Astrology Sign

First House – Self, the ego, Physical, Stamina, Physical Self

Second House – Money, Material possessions, Money recieved by own efforts

Gambling Planet In Astrology Taurus

Third House –